Fresh Off The Ballot

This November we are seeing an unprecedented amount of bonds in Santa Clara County.  There are 12 bonds proposed in the county totaling over $3.9 billion dollars. Adding up all the bonds in our county proposed over the last 10 years leading up to November, passed or failed,  total $11,094,252,058.  Over 26% of the 10 years total proposed amount of bonds is going to appear just on this one ballot.  For the record, only two of those previous bonds have failed, putting tax payers on the hook for over $10 billion already. Why the sudden run on the bank of taxpayers?

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The Eagle Eye

Local focus on city issues that fortify or threaten your liberties


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Fresh Off The Ballot

During the 2018 June Primaries we saw a request for a total of $340 million in school bonds and another $6.7 million in parcel taxes towards schools, just in Santa Clara county. The Santa Clara County Libertarian Party signed off as a co-sponsor on many of these alongside the Silicon Valley Taxpayers Association, who led the argument against. One in particular, Measure G in San Jose, was led by us and this also happened to be the only school measure to have failed.

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From the Front Lines

The Libertarian Party National Convention was held in New Orleans this last month. The biennial event is where Libertarian delegates from every state gather to discuss platform and bylaw changes and to elect officers. This years convention was one of the highest attended events even thought this was a non-election year.  There was a notably higher number of women, youth, and diverse attendees. Nine representatives from Santa Clara were able to attend this year.

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The Eagle Eye

Local focus on city issues that fortify or threaten your liberties

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News from our Neighbors

News, Events, and Activism from our Libertarian Party Neighbors in the nine county Bay Area region.

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From the Front Lines

The Libertarian Party of California met for our annual convention at the end of last month.  The two-day convention was held in Long Beach over the weekend and hosted a list of high profile names and a series of liberty-minded events.  As noted before, this included the endorsement of candidates, election of officers, and the adjustment of bylaws; all decisions that will chart the LPCs future course.

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Letter from the Chair

[June 2018]

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The Eagle Eye

Local focus on city issues that fortify or threaten your liberties

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Fresh On The Ballot: SCC Sheriff Candidates

The position of Santa Clara County Sheriff is one of the more critical for the Libertarian Party to focus on. The sheriff sets our law-enforcement priorities and the culture of our peace officers with regards to such things as our 2nd rights and chooses how and whether to implement surveillance. While it’s unlikely we will see a Libertarian Sheriff candidate soon, weighing in with our opinions and casting our votes will help set a climate within our county that is more liberty embracing.  There are five candidates running for Sheriff: five-term incumbent Sheriff Laurie Smith, John Hirokawa, Joe La Jeunesse, Martin Monica, and Jose Salcido.  All five attended a recent forum hosted by the Berryessa Citizens Advisory Council on Monday, May 14th, 2018. The Libertarian Party of Santa Clara County cannot endorse any of the candidates running for Sheriff this year, but as Chair, I can offer my own observations from the recent forum.

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