Party Officers
ChairJoe Dehn |
Vice ChairMark Hinkle |
SecretaryBrian Holtz |
TreasurerAlan Kaiser
Activities ChairBob Goodwyn
Campaigns ChairScott Lieberman
Fundraising ChairMary Gingell
Membership ChairSal Robles
Newsletter ChairJoe Dehn
Publicity ChairElizabeth C. Brierly
The Executive Committee typically meets once a month, in months when there isn't a meeting of the central committee. For information about upcoming meetings, contact [email protected].
Working Committees/Groups
Bylaws Committee
The bylaws committee considers and recommends proposed amendments to the party’s governing documents.
Local Committee Working Group
City/campus chairs/contacts serve to help organize party activities in local area.
Platform Committee
The platform committee / issues working group considers issues to be promoted in local party activities and recommends planks for inclusion in the county platform.
If you would like to participate in a committee or form a new committee, please email [email protected].