Welcome to the Libertarian Party of Santa Clara County!

The Libertarian Party is:



The Libertarian Party of Santa Clara County supports candidates for public office, promotes libertarian solutions to the needs of our communities, and defends the principles of individual rights and economic freedom. For more information please explore the various sections of this web site, or contact us by e-mail at [email protected].



  • From the blog

    Donald Trump Is No Libertarian

    Outgoing (resigning, apparently today, in the middle of her term) LP National Chair Angela McArdle has announced that she is awarding Donald Trump an "honorary lifetime membership" in the Libertarian Party. This is absurd. (It is not clear she has the authority to do this, or what it is even supposed to mean, beyond being some kind of publicity stunt, but the publicity value is in my opinion negative.) Donald Trump is no Libertarian!

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    The LP is THE Anti-War Party

    It is a sad commentary on American politics that one needs to make an anti-war case. After all, with the exceptions of genocide and democide, war is probably the worst thing that humanity does to itself. It ought to be the case that everyone supports the anti-war position. Of course, when a country is invaded, it should defend itself but that should not be used for justifying inappropriate wars.

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  • From the blog

    Lawsuit Challenges "Top Two" Primary System

    Plaintiffs include a Libertarian from Santa Clara County

    Three qualified political parties and six candidates who ran for office this year have filed suit in federal court, challenging the constitutionality of California's "top two" primary system. The complaint was filed yesterday in the US District Court for the Northern District of California.

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    LP SCC Opposes 26 Local Tax and Bond Measures

    Local bond measures alone total almost $3.4 billion.
    Party also opposes regional and state bond proposals.

    The Libertarian Party of Santa Clara County is recommending a NO vote on 26 local tax measures placed on the ballot by cities and school districts within the county.

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  • From the blog

    Libertarian Chase Oliver for President wins Santa Clarans' endorsement

    County party takes positions on statewide props, denounces ballot measure tactic as 'blackmail'

    SUNNYVALE, Calif. — The Libertarian presidential ticket of Chase Oliver and Mike ter Maat won the endorsement of Santa Clara County Libertarians at the party's (LPSCC's) central committee meeting held Saturday by videoconference.

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    Santa Clara County delegates help shape state Libertarian Party, endorse 2024 candidates

    Party adopts resolution marking anniversary of Russo-Ukrainian war escalation

    SUNNYVALE, Calif.— In anticipation of the first anniversary of Russia’s escalation of the Russo-Ukrainian war, Santa Clara County resident Ed Wimmers initiated adoption by the Libertarian Party of California of this anti-intervention resolution:

    We support the withdrawal of the U.S. from NATO. We oppose taxpayer funds being spent on the war between Russia and Ukraine.

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