LPC Adopts Wimmers Resolution On War

At the prompting of Santa Clara County central committee member Ed Wimmers, the Libertarian Party of California has adopted a resolution calling for an end to U.S. government involvement in the current war in Europe.

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Santa Clara Members Attend State Convention

Santa Clara County was well-represented at the Libertarian Party of California's annual convention, held 17-19 February, in Sacramento.

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LP SCC Elects Leadership for 2023

At their annual meeting on Saturday, 14 January, members of the Central Committee of the Libertarian Party of Santa Clara County elected party leadership for the coming year.

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Happy Bill of Rights Day!

The Bill of Rights -- the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution -- was ratified 231 years ago today, 15 December 1791.

The Bill of Rights sets limits on the powers of the federal government, including the well-known prohibition on laws restricting freedom of speech and of the press, the right to keep and bear arms, and the right to a trial by jury. It also states explicitly two general principles: that the listing of rights does not mean these are all the rights (9th Amendment) and that if the Constitution doesn't assign a power to the federal government then it belongs to the states, or the people (10th Amendment).

Of course over the last two centuries politicians have tried their best to side-step these rules, and unfortunately have been all too successful. It's up to us to hold elected officials accountable when they go beyond the specific powers named in the Constitution, and when they violate the principles outlined in the Bill of Rights.

More info:
* National Archives
* Wikipedia


Presidential Candidate Mike ter Maat Visits Santa Clara County

Mike ter Maat, who is seeking the Libertarian nomination for President in 2024, visited Santa Clara County this past weekend during a campaign swing through California.

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LP SCC Signs Arguments Against 10 Local Measures

Continuing a long tradition of speaking out in defense of local taxpayers, the Libertarian Party of Santa Clara County signed arguments against 10 ballot measures that will be on the ballot this November. These arguments will appear in the official county voter information guide, which will be mailed to voters in those districts.
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Hinkle Receives Thomas Jefferson Leadership Award

Mark Hinkle, currently Vice-Chair of the Libertarian Party of Santa Clara County received the Thomas Jefferson Leadership Award at the LP's 2022 national convention, held over the Memorial Day weekend in Sparks, Nevada.

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Local Libertarians Attend National Convention

The Libertarian Party held its biennial National Convention over the Memorial Day weekend, with more than 1000 delegates (including alternates serving as delegates) voting on party business, and eleven members of the LP SCC county central committee were among them.
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LP SCC Opposes Deceptive Measure A

The Libertarian Party of Santa Clara County endorses a NO vote on Measure A in the June primary election, calling it "deceptive". The measure, put on the ballot by the Santa Clara Valley Water District, would change the term limits for members of the district board.

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LP SCC Opposes School Tax Measures

The Libertarian Party of Santa Clara County has declared its opposition to two ballot measures that will impose tax burdens on local citizens.

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