At its annual meeting, on 29 January, the Central Committee of the Libertarian Party of Santa Clara County elected a mix of long-time leaders and new activists, from all across the county, to serve as their Executive Committee for the coming year.
Joe Dehn, a resident of Sunnyvale, was re-elected for another term as County Chair. Mark Hinkle, from Morgan Hill, was re-elected as Vice Chair. Michael Melo, from San Jose, was elected Secretary, and Alan Kaiser, from Palo Alto, was re-elected Treasurer.
Rounding out the Executive Committee, Bob Goodwyn of Sunnyvale was re-elected Activities Chair, Brian Holtz of Los Altos Hills was elected Campaigns Chair, Mary Gingell of Sunnyvale was re-elected Fundraising Chair, Cody Drummond of Morgan Hill was elected Membership Chair, Robert Gomez of Gilroy was elected Newsletter Chair, and Elizabeth Brierly of San Jose was elected Publicity Chair.
The members of the Central Committee also elected Bill White, Steve Haug, and John Inks to serve as the county party's Judicial Committee, and adopted two changes to the county Bylaws, relating to the procedure for filling vacancies in the office of Chair and rules for adopting a county Platform.
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