The Libertarian Party of Santa Clara County endorses the "Repeal the Death Tax" initiative, for which petitions are currently being circulated in the county and all across the state.
This initiative would restore the protections enacted as part of Proposition 58 in 1986 and Proposition 193 in 1996, which allow a family to retain the assessed valuation of a property when it is passed on to children or grandchildren upon the death of the owner. These protections were removed in 2020 by the passage of Proposition 19.
Proposition 19 only passed by a small margin, and most likely got as much support as it did only because it included provisions to expand the ability of older homeowners to transfer their assessment when they move to other counties; many voters probably didn't even realize that it also reduced the protection for families transferring property to their children.
The Central Committee of the LP of Santa Clara County voted to endorse this "Repeal the Death Tax" initiative at its meeting on 29 January 2022.
This initiative is being organized by the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association. For more information about the initiative and how you can help get it on the ballot, visit: