Issue: Centralized Housing Mandates

LPSCC Draft Positions

Following are position statements drafted by members of the LPSCC Platform Committee, to be considered for adoption by the central committee. They are not yet official positions of the county party.

We promote an immediate end to all centrally-imposed housing mandates for California communities.

Mandates about all land-use policy imposed from non-local authorities strip communities of prerogatives to control land use on a local scale, where it can only be fully in the hands of the people if it is to have any fit with unique local conditions.  Adventures in new kinds of housing quotas have been brought in recently with the passage of SB9, SB10, together with the A.B.A.G. quotas in the SF bay area.  Housing construction quotas imposed by government are always anti-liberty.

We believe only rational housing policy that can at best take place is at the level of the community of residents living within the neighborhood where the policy is enacted, where residents involved in local land, local materials, and local conditions can rule reasonably.


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May not represent official positions of the Libertarian Party of Santa Clara County unless so indicated.