Statements appearing in the official county voter information guide:
Argument Against Measure R
Proponents say they want to "construct classrooms" while enrollment is DECLINING.
Does that make any sense to you? NO? Then please vote NO.
In 2020 voters in the Union School District rejected a $149 parcel tax increase that was on top of a $96 parcel tax passed in 2015 for ten years, that you are currently paying.
The District School Board clearly rejects the voters' 2020 choice with this $128,000,000 bond tax measure.
Do you agree that the School Board should ignore you, the voters/taxpayers?
If no, vote NO on Measure R.
Will this $128,000,000 bond debt be spent to hire or train great teachers to improve academics?
Answer: NO, that's not legally permitted.
Let's look at latest academic performance:
2018-19 school year results: 21.2% below grade level for English.
2018-19 school year results: 24.02% below grade for math.
The District rewarded students, parents, and taxpayers for the passage of the 2015 parcel tax by dropping proficiency in English, with teachers getting an above average salary of $94,701 plus benefits up to $20,400 yearly.
Source: California Department of Education Data Partnership—
Should you, the voters, reward the district for dropping scores in English?
If no, we encourage you to vote NO on Measure R.
This District is already spending $11,397 per student per year. That equal $246,175 per class at 21.6 students per class.
Tell the Union School Board to be fiscally responsible by voting NO on Measure R.
If you reward failure, you will get more failure!
For more information, please visit us at
Mark W.A. Hinkle
President Silicon Valley Taxpayers Association
Joe Dehn
Chair: Libertarian Party of Santa Clara County
Rebuttal to Argument in Favor of Measure R
Proponents say they want to "construct classrooms"—while enrollment is DECLINING.
Does that make sense? No? Then vote NO.
In 2020, Union School District (USD) voters rejected an $894 parcel tax increase, on top of 2015's $96/year parcel tax, which you will pay through 2025.
This $128 million bond tax measure clearly shows USD rejecting voters' 2020 message:
Cut spending! No new taxes!
Do you appreciate USD's ignoring you, the voters/taxpayers?
If not: Vote NO.
Will this $128,000,000 debt be invested in great teachers to improve academics?
Answer: NO, that's illegal.
Let's check on academic performance:
• 21.2% of children tested below grade level in English.
• 24.02% below grade level in math.*
Those are 2018—19's results—the latest reported. Why aren't USD's 2020—21 results published, like other districts?
We suspect they are even worse now, due to children's suffering learning loss during shutdowns.
USD "rewarded" students, parents, taxpayers for granting 2015's parcel tax, with lower proficiency in English, despite teachers above average salary of $94,701 plus benefits up to $20,400 yearly.*
Should you, the voters, reward the district for leaving more children behind in English?
If not, Vote NO on Measure R.
USD already spends $11,397/student yearly, or $246,175/class of 21.6 students, on average.
The decades-long duration of bond payments burdens the very children who desperately need our help.
Tell USD to be financially responsible. Vote NO on Measure R.
If you reward failure, expect more failure!
More information:
* Source: Education Data Partnership (
Mark W.A. Hinkle
President: Silicon Valley Taxpayers Association
Joe Dehn
Chair: Libertarian Party of Santa Clara County
Jonathan Fleming
CEO and Executive Director, Silicon Valley Public Accountability Foundation
Honor M. Robson
Chair, Libertarian Party of California