Statements appearing in the official county voter information guide:
Argument Against Measure O
In March of 2020, district voters defeated the $85 parcel tax (Measure K).
Now they're back to try again.
Clearly, district leadership hasn't gotten voters' message that taxes are too high, that government shutdown of the economy is wreaking havoc upon thousands of families struggling to pay the rent/mortgage, and that it is a bad idea to reward academic failures!!!
The election in 2020 measure and this ballot measure is paid for out of school revenues.
Let us look at the latest student academic performance:
2020-21 school year results: 25.11% below grade level for English.
2029-21 school year results: 44.28% below grade for math.
Source: California Department of Education Data Partnership—
The District rewarded students, parents, and taxpayers for the passage of the 2016 $275,000,000 bond measure tax increase by the dismal results above!
Should you, the voters, reward the district for dismal performance scores in both subjects?
If no, we encourage you to vote NO on Measure O.
The statewide High School average expense per student is $16,310 per year.
The District is spending more, at $16,590 per student, for poor English and math scores.
Yet, they want more of your hard-earned money to pad their salaries and fat pension plans.
The measure says that none of the funds will be used for administration. But funds generated separately from this parcel tax can be used for administration expenses without limits. So, that is really an empty promise. Do not be fooled.
Tell the Campbell Union High School Board to be fiscally responsible by voting NO on Measure O.
If you reward failure, you will get more failure!
Don’t reward bad behavior, vote No on O.
For more information, please visit us at
Mark W.A. Hinkle
President: Silicon Valley Taxpayers Association
Joe Dehn
Chair: Libertarian Party of Santa Clara County