Recall Ballots Arriving Soon - Vote for Jeff Hewitt

The official date of the gubernatorial recall election is 14 September, but ballots will start arriving in voters' mailboxes about a month before that -- starting this coming week.

This ballot will contain two questions: First, should the incumbent Governor, Gavin Newsom, be recalled? If a majority of voters vote YES on this question, he will be removed from office.

The second part is a list of candidates to replace him. There are 46 candidates on the ballot, including Libertarian Jeff Hewitt. Hewitt has received the endorsement of both the Libertarian Party of Santa Clara County and the Libertarian Party of California.

Look for your ballot in the mail soon. And when you get it, remember to return it, by mail or in person, with a YES vote on the first question, and a LIBERTARIAN vote for Jeff Hewitt on the second!

For more information about Jeff Hewitt, visit