Mission/Strategy/Priorities/Budget Meeting

This meeting is intended to allow LP SCC members to propose and debate ideas on what we should be doing as an organization, going forward generally and during the coming year specifically. Topics that may be included:

  • What is our mission? (the LP SCC specifically, not just the libertarian movement or the LP)
  • What strategies can we employ to further that mission?
  • To which activities should we give priority?
  • Which are likely to be most effective?
  • Which are our members most likely to support with either their time or money?
  • How much will these activities cost and how can we raise the money to pay for them?

This is not a formal business meeting, so there will be no voting on a formal plan or budget. However, understanding the possible answers and how much support various views actually have among our voting membership should be very helpful when we do make formal decisions, including electing officers for the upcoming year, during our annual business meeting one week later.

So all central committee members are encouraged to attend this meeting (as well as the annual meeting)!

This meeting will be held using Zoom:

From your web browser: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81701684620?pwd=ai9HLzg5Q1dIYkROOFVmTFcvckJ5dz09
To connect using a regular phone: 669-444-9171
Meeting ID: 817 0168 4620
Passcode: 656724

January 07, 2023 at 2:00pm - 5pm
Online (Zoom)
Joe Dehn ·

Will you come?