LP 50th Birthday Party

The LP is generally considered to have been "born" on 11 December 1971, when the group who had been calling themselves the "Committee to Organize a Libertarian Party" decided to actually do it!

We'll be holding a Birthday Party here in Santa Clara County on the 50th anniversary of that date - 11 December of this year!

That's a Saturday, and we'll be meeting at Brian Holtz's home, starting at 1pm. We'll be having pizza, sharing stories and photos relating to the history of the LP in this area, and of course eating birthday cake!

We will also use the opportunity to hold the first in-person county central committee meeting in quite a while, starting at around 2pm -- this will be a meeting with a limited agenda so it shouldn't take too long.

So mark your calendar now and plan to join us that afternoon for this Birthday Party!

The address is 12800 La Cresta Drive, Los Altos Hills.


December 11, 2021 at 1:00pm - 5pm

Will you come?