Issue: Artificial Intelligence

LP SCC Resolution on Artificial Intelligence

Whereas, the Libertarian Party has always stood for freedom of speech and communication;

Whereas, the Libertarian Party has always defended the right of inventors and entrepreneurs to create and market new products and services;

Whereas, the technologies on which artificial intellIgence systems are based have long been of special significance to the economy and culture of Santa Clara County;

Whereas, the development of artificial intelligence systems that can create material similar to that produced by humans, including both text and images, has prompted concerns about truth, accuracy, bias, and privacy;

Whereas, these concerns have been taken up by some politicians as justifications to regulate these systems and their underlying technology;

Whereas, such regulation might easily do more harm than good, including stifling innovation that would lead to both increased quality of life and economic growth;

Whereas, past involvement by government in attempting to regulate truth and bias in communications produced by humans has been notoriously counterproductive;

Whereas, the historical record shows that government itself has been a major source and supporter of misinformation and bias in areas ranging from religion to science to health and of course politics, as well as the biggest danger to privacy, and therefore among the least-qualified institutions to entrust with solving these kinds of problems; and

Whereas, the market can potentially provide solutions that do a better job while not depending on the force of the state;

Therefore, be it resolved, that

The Libertarian Party of Santa Clara County:

Reiterates its support of the fundamental right of individuals and enterprises to produce and market computer systems and software and computer-generated material;

Encourages the development of voluntary mechanisms to address the legitimate concerns that many people have about these technological advances; and

Calls on legislators at all levels of government to refrain from attempting to regulate this activity, including through prohibitions, restrictions, licensing, labeling requirements, or taxation.

[Adopted 8 April 2023]



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