Get Involved!

The Libertarian Party of Santa Clara County Annual Convention is quickly approaching.  This event is where business is conducted, great speakers are being lined up, but more importantly, our yearly elections are held; and we need you to be there!

The executive committee is established by volunteers elected by our central committee members.  The filling of these rolls influence the direction and accomplishments of the local party. There is a lot of momentum within the libertarian movement in Santa Clara County.  For the first time, in a long time, the local LP has the attention of the public and the policy makers. We are being called by news outlets and community groups because the public wants to hear what we have to say.  Our work is just beginning and the next year ahead of us is going to be a critical one as head into the 2020 Elections.

The Annual Convention is your opportunity to get involved by voting or running. Your input, vote, and volunteerism are what make the LP SCC successful.  Each of the following positions are up for re-election. Positive competition in elections foster accountability in the elected. We encourage you to challenge us, demand accountability from the party, and most importantly exercise your right to vote.   Look below for more information on the positions up for election and their roles.


The Convention is tentatively schedule for SATURDAY, January 27, 2019.  
Location to be confirmed.



Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the control and management of all of the affairs, properties, and funds of the Party consistent with this Constitution, its By-laws, and any Resolutions which may be adopted at central committee meetings.


The Chair shall preside at all central committee meetings and at all meetings of the Executive and Central Committees. They shall be the chief executive officer of the Party.



The Vice-Chair shall act as assistant to the Chair, and shall perform the duties of the Chair in the event the Chair is, for any reason, unable to perform the duties of his or her office.



The Treasurer shall receive, expend, and account for the funds of the Party under the supervision and direction of the Chair and Executive Committee.


The Secretary shall be the recording officer of the Party.

Standing Committees

Activities Committee

The LP SCC Central Committee shall appoint a Activities Committee Chair to plan, coordinate, and execute activities related to the LP SCC intended to involve, motivate, and inspire members. These activities are to include outreach efforts, hosting booths at local fairs and festivals, coordinating speaker engagements, or other social activities to encourage membership, fundraising, or community awareness. The Activities Committee Chair is expected to provide regular feedback to the executive committee regarding goals, expectations, and results of executed efforts.


Campaign Committee

The LP SCC Central Committee shall appoint a Campaign Committee Chair to manage candidate recruitment, support, and training. The Campaign Committee Chair is expected to provide regular feedback to the executive committee regarding goals, candidate leads, and results of executed efforts.The Campaign Committee Chair is expected to provide regular feedback to the executive committee regarding goals, expectations, and results of executed efforts.


Fundraising Committee

The LP SCC Central Committee shall appoint a Fundraising Committee Chair to develop and coordinate general solicitations for donations, donation drive activities, pledge programs, and communication with major donors. The Fundraising Committee Chair is expected to provide regular feedback to the executive committee regarding goals, expectations, and results of executed efforts.


Membership Committee

The LP SCC Central Committee shall appoint a Membership Committee Chair to manage the LP SCC’s programs to promote membership growth; Including membership promotion literature, membership application forms, direct mail letters, advertisements, and in-person contact such as fair booths. The Membership Committee Chair is expected to provide regular feedback to the executive committee regarding goals, expectations, and results of executed efforts.


Newsletter Committee

The LP SCC Central Committee shall appoint a Newsletter Committee Chair to be responsible for publication of a newsletter for dissemination of information about the Party to the members. The Newsletter Committee Chair is expected to provide regular feedback to the executive committee regarding goals, expectations, and results of executed efforts.


Publicity Committee

The LP SCC Central Committee shall appoint a Publicity Committee Chair to be responsible for the dissemination of information about the Party to the media and the public. The Publicity Chair is responsible for. The Publicity Committee Chair is expected to provide regular feedback to the executive committee regarding goals, expectations, and results of executed efforts.


Judicial Committee

The Judicial Committee shall be composed of three (3) central committee members elected at the Annual Meeting. The Judicial Committee shall take office immediately upon the close of the Annual Meeting and serve thereafter until the election of new Committee members. A member of the Judicial Committee may not serve on the Executive Committee. The Judicial Committee shall be the final body of appeal within the Party in all matters regarding interpretation of the Constitution, By-laws, Rules, or Resolutions of the Party, subject to the provision that a decision of the Committee may be overturned by a three-fourths vote of any central committee meeting. (LPSCC ByLaw Article 4 Section 4)