A meeting of the Central Committee of the Libertarian Party of Santa Clara County is scheduled for Saturday 11 December 2021, starting at 2pm, at the Holtz residence, 12800 La Cresta Drive, Los Altos Hills.
This meeting will be held in person, in connection with our 50th Birthday Party celebration, and the formal meeting part will have an abbreviated agenda, just to take care of business that must be done at that time.
The agenda may include:
- endorsements concerning candidates or ballot measures
- filling officer vacancies
- consideration of amendments to our bylaws
- making plans for our annual meeting to be held in January or February
Reminder: While this meeting is open to all supporters of the Libertarian Party, to make motions or vote you must be a central committee member (signed the membership statement, paid dues, libe in California, and registered to vote as a Libertarian if eligible). For questions about your membership status, write to [email protected].