Central Committee Meeting (July 2020)


A meeting of the Central Committee Meeting of the Libertarian Party of Santa Clara County will be held Saturday, 25 July, via Zoom.

ZOOM will open about one hour before the start of the formal meeting (i.e, around 1pm)

You can use this additional time for general chat, or for making sure your computer is set up properly (highly recommended if you don't have previous experience with Zoom).

BUSINESS MEETING starting at 2pm


Our agenda will include plans for the fall elections and endorsements of candidates for public office and for/against ballot measures. For more information visit our website: www.scclp.org



Note: This meeting is open to all supporters of the Libertarian Party, but to vote on official business you must be a central committee member. To join as a voting member, visit: https://www.scclp.org/join

July 25, 2020 at 1:00pm - 4pm

Will you come?