The 2020 General Election is coming up in November.
The Libertarian Party candidate for President is Jo Jorgensen and our candidate for Vice President is Spike Cohen.
There will be Libertarians running for local offices as well, and many measures that could mean higher taxes. See below for more information on each of these topics.
But first -- are you registered to vote? Register Libertarian to show your support for our principles and our candidates.
There are new procedures and schedules for voting in Santa Clara County this year.
The LP of Santa Clara County has taken the following positions on propositions and measures to appear on the November ballot:
Statewide Propositions
Proposition 14 - NO - authorizes bonds
Proposition 15 - NO - raises taxes on commercial property
Proposition 16 - NO - allows government to discriminate by race, sex, etc.
Proposition 17 - YES - allows those released from prison to vote
Proposition 18 - no position
Proposition 19 - no position
Proposition 20 - no position
Proposition 21 - NO - allows more rent control
Proposition 22 - no position
Proposition 23 - NO - adds regulations
Proposition 24 - NO - adds regulations
Proposition 25 - NO - eliminates option of bail for those accused of a crime
Local Measures
Measure A - YES - Los Gatos - finance commission
Measure B - YES - Los Gatos - term limits
Measure C - NO - Mountain View - parking restrictions
Measure D - YES - Mountain View - amendments to rent control (withdrawn)
Measure E - NO - Santa Clara (city) - hotel tax increase
Measure F - NO - Milpitas - sales/use tax
Measure G - no position - San Jose - combined charter amendments
Measure H - NO - San Jose - card room tax
Measure I - NO - San Jose-Evergreen Community College District - parcel tax
Measure J - NO - San Jose-Evergreen Community College District - bonds
Measure K - NO - Franklin-McKinley School District - parcel tax
Measure L - NO - Campbell Union High School District - parcel tax
Measure M - NO - Fremont Union High School District - parcel tax
Measure N - NO - Loma Prieta Joint Union Elementary School District - parcel tax
Measure O - NO - Palo Alto Unified School District - parcel tax
Measure P - NO - Evergreen Elementary School District - bonds
Measure Q - NO - Mt. Pleasant Elementary School District - bonds
Measure R - NO - Cambrian School District - bonds
Measure S - NO - Santa Clara Valley Water District - parcel tax
Measure T - NO - Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority - parcel tax
Measure RR - NO - Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Authority - sales tax
Click here for a printable (PDF) list of these recommendations.
You can listen to our radio ads relating to these recommendations here.
The following candidates for local office have been endorsed by the Libertarian Party of Santa Clara County:
Brian Holtz - Purissima Hills Water District
[email protected]
Azadeh Weber - Saratoga Union School District
[email protected]
Note: The following Libertarians ran in the primary and were endorsed by the LP of Santa Clara County but under California law will not be on the ballot in November:
Joe Dehn - Libertarian
US House, District 17
[email protected]
Bob Goodwyn - Libertarian
US House, District 18
[email protected]
Kennita Watson - Libertarian
State Assembly, District 24
[email protected]